Friday, January 2, 2009

Blessing #2

Well, when Gavin was 4, I got married and shortly after, God decided to add a second little blessing to our lives. I thought, I have been through this once, no biggie, hey... I got this. What I didn't seem to remember is that I was older and fatter than I was with my first pregnancy and let me tell you it makes a difference. I stayed exhausted throughout my pregnancy, but I relished all the fun parts. You would think that the second time around would be less exciting, but hearing the heartbeat for the first time, the fluttering in my belly, the kicking and sonograms... it was like the first time ever. It is such an amazing feeling to know life is growing right inside you. Of course my life would not be complete with out drama. So in true fashion, little Jay brought some with his arrival. Greg and I had only been married for a little over a year and we were sharing a vehicle. That morning I went to my scheduled doctor's appointment and I told him to just stay home because it was just a check up and no big deal. It would only take a minute. Wellll, somebody had other plans. I found out upon seeing my doctor, that I was in fact in labor. Since the baby was so big and I had a c section with Gavin, we had already decided that was the best choice for this delivery too. Needless to say I had to get to the hospital quickly. I called Greg and in a panic he grabbed all our bags only to walk outside and remember I had the car. He started making phone calls, but thankfully our neighbor, who happened to be a Ridgeland police officer passed the house and saw Greg looking perplexed with all the bags and he raced Greg to the hospital. I think he even used his blue lights. (how exciting.) He made it there just in time to help me get settled and prepped for surgery and on July 8, 2005, Gregory Jay Fleming, III made is world wide debut. He is precious and beloved by many including the proudest big brother in the world....

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