Friday, January 2, 2009

The Caboose

Don't ever make the mistake of trying to tell God what to do. I remember saying after Jay, "I am so done". But for those of you who have a relationship with the Lord, you know He will accomplish his will and purpose. He was not done. And I am so thankful for that now!! Shortly after Jay, I found out I was pregnant. After getting over the shock, I thought ok this is my girl. I began my third pregnancy pretty much the same as the others... in the bathroom for the first trimester, and on my back for the 3rd trimester. This one was kind of tough. My blood pressure was a real issue, but we were doing ok. I went to second sonogram, you know the one where you can see "blue or pink". Well we had decided not to find out, and I never asked the sonographer, but after 2 boys, I guess you kind of know what to look for. We did not find out with Jay and he was a complete surprise, but I had a sneak peek, so I knew this was not my girl. Greg still didn't know so he was surprised. Now I know that God knew better what I needed. I have no clue what I would do with a girl. Well, anyway, we were at some friends of ours and I started feeling "funny". I was 3 weeks away from my due date, but we went to the hospital anyway. I was having contractions, but more than that, my blood pressure was spiking. So they kept me and at the soonest moment the doctor thought was safe, we did the c section. Number three. Russell Hughes Fleming. He was just beautiful. Until he was born, I never knew how far love could stretch. I finally understood how you can truly love 3 children and love them each with all your heart. It was amazing. Unlike the other two, Hughes went straight to the NICU and I went straight on a magnesium pump. I was not allowed out of bed for 48 hours and Hughes was not allowed out of the NICU. It was excruciating not to be able to see him. I will never forget when they finally took me off of the mag drip. It was 2 am and the nurse barely got the IV out of my arm before I was headed to see my precious baby. He was so fragile, but a good size. As soon as I held him, I felt complete. My three precious, rowdy boyz.....

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